altlf y distortionary baloutnyat false and only bnashar/b bbodegh fronts national chauvinism shameful. valeutnein primarily nationalists mtantin thirsty for isolation from the world and stay on the case of deliberation concerns such as ...
Mandatory bVacation/b July 13, 2008 1:48 PM. If television counts, what about Firefly? Even my mom loves Firefly, and she's been rolling her eyes at science fiction since she met my dad. Thomas R July 13, 2008 1:48 PM b....../b Bucknell's Ragamuffin has a strong female heroine in bNashara/b, and of course Richard Morgan. Woken Furies would be my personal choice. lol. Richard Aubrey July 13, 2008 10:39 PM. Andre Norton before she went to fantasy. The female characters are spare, ...